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We will assist you or your loved one to maintain sustained recovery, grow personally and become a productive member of society by providing a safe, structured, and supportive home-like environment that promotes long-term recovery.

Phase 01

During phase 1 clients will settle in, begin working on their treatment plans, and create a support system, both in-house and outside the house to maintain sobriety. Clients will begin seeking employment and begin attending daily NA or AA meetings. Clients must abstain from alcohol and any mood/mind-altering substance. Participation in a breathalyzer and/or drug screening test provided by Foundations staff is mandatory.

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Phase 02

Clients will continue to work and complete the tasks outlined in phase 1. Clients will develop deeper essential life skills that range from adhering to a chore list to creating and sticking to a personal budget. During this phase, clients will have benefits outlined in the program.

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Phase 03

Clients will continue to work on, and complete, the tasks outlined in phase 1 and phase 2. Foundations’ case managers will continue to provide emotional check-ins and certain levels of care and monitor the development and strength of Foundations’ clients. The clients will be given additional benefits which are outlined in the program.

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Phase 04

At the completion of Phase 3, clients will graduate from Foundations. Prior to graduation, Foundations and the client will acquire and manage external resources together of mental and physical healthcare professionals, sponsors, and educational institutions, as deemed necessary, for the client’s success. A life plan after graduation must be completed and approved by Foundations.

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