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Don't be afraid to ask for help!

We offer individuals a safe, comfortable, and nurturing environment where they can grow in their recovery. Contact us, and let's start today!

Thomas Netzel - Foundation To Freedom

Transformation through FTF: Tommy’s Story

Finding a New Path to Recovery: The Support of Foundations to Freedom

Before coming to Foundations to Freedom I was living in a homeless shelter. The case manager that was working there advised me to investigate the new sober living house that just opened in DeLand. They were aware that I struggled with drug addiction and wanted to make sure I stayed sober and did not relapse. The housing program that the shelter offered did not have any structure for recovery-based living. When I did my intake interview with Foundations to Freedom I was blessed enough to be welcomed into their program.

I have lived in the Foundations to Freedom sober living house for seven months now. I am the first client they allowed into the first house they opened on April 15th, 2022. Now they have four houses open, with many more on the verge of opening.

I am truly blessed to be a part of this organization. Foundations to Freedom has given me the hope of a second chance in life that I never knew I deserved. It has helped me become a new person and has
shown me that I am worthy of the love they show me. And more importantly, that I can and should love myself. Throughout my stay here, they have helped me by taking me to AA and NA meetings to help in
my path of recovery.

At one point, my mental state got extremely low, and I slipped into a depression. Instead of letting me go, they understood what I was going through and helped me get into a hospital to get my mental health stable.

Foundations to Freedom’s staff is filled with people who genuinely care about the clients and are 1000% in our corner. They understand what it means to have an issue with the disease of addiction. They are easy to talk with and are full of knowledge for helping people in recovery.

Come check our halfway houses!

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